Part-time management for retired owners with successful exit, Archive Filing & Self Storage
Non Exec for fast growth Green Energy Company
Audit Committee for Independent & Statutory Organisations
Protection of Minority Shareholders Interests with Successful Settlements
Evaluation for an MBO
Fund Raising - Valuation Assessments to determine Equity Investor holding
Director & Shareholder Retiral by Company Share buyback
Share Option Scheme
Multi million $ settlement for UK investors on a five year dispute with International Purchaser
Fast Rescue with Funding including agreements with Staff & Landlord
Implemented on time Statutory & Management Reporting, recruited Accounting Team
Resetting Service Charges & Dispute Resolution between Property Owners & Resort
Government initiative for Food & Beverage sector providing Bespoke Investor Directory, Investor Tutorials, Expansion and Fund Raising advice
Forensic Review on Major Funding
Fund Raising
£60m multi currency retail property debt in Sweden and Mallorca
£16m equity & debt for specialist dental practices
£8m property & equity finance for bowel screening
£5m MBI and Growth Equity for branded footwear